The STAND (Strengthening university autonomy and increasing accountability and transparency of Western Balkans Universities) workshop, centered around the theme of autonomy and institutional empowerment, took place at the European University Association (EUA) offices in Brussels in March 2023. The workshop featured presentations and discussions to enhance participants’ collaboration and knowledge sharing on institutional empowerment, leadership, and open science in Western Balkans and European policy. The workshop concluded with a presentation on Open Science in the Western Balkans and European policy by Dr. Mihone Kerolli-Mustafa, emphasizing the importance of sharing the results of publicly funded scientific research, data, and publications, making them freely accessible to all interested parties. A special focus was given to the ENACT module, its concept and structure, courses within the module, organized activities and forums, etc. Participants had the opportunity to present their action plans, share ideas, and engage in discussions to enhance autonomy and empowerment in their respective institutions.