Within the framework of the project “Empowering University Autonomy and Increasing Accountability and Transparency in Western Balkan Universities (STAND)”, an Erasmus+ project coordinated by IBC-M, a roundtable discussion was held on the 9th December 2021 in premises of the University of Pristina. The event, organized by IBC-M and the University of Pristina as project partners, was a great opportunity for prof. dr Mihone Kerolli-Mustafa as the academic coordinator and core lecturer of the Jean Monnet module “Best European Practices in Environment and Agriculture (ENACT)” to present and share updates to participants regarding the ENACT module and its curricula. Designed to promote research on EU issues, foster an introduction of EU angle into certain fields of study and dissemination of the results of academic research, the ENACT module caught the attention of participants and encouraged discussion on the best practices in research and teaching experience related to environment and agricultural economics according to the EU standards.