Jelena Stanojevic
Enact Teaching staff
Dr Jelena Stanojevic is an associate professor and dean of the Faculty of International Business Management at International Business College Mitrovica (IBC-M). She has been teaching economic-related courses for more than thirteen years in all IBC-M departments, but her teaching experience has also spread to educational institutions in the region. As a guest lecturer, Dr Stanojevic has participated in lectures at universities in Portugal, Denmark, Finland, Bulgaria, and Lithuania, developing a wide network in many academic and research institutions and exchanging knowledge and experience with colleagues from different European universities. She has extensive research experience, having worked on several research projects that resulted in more than 60 published scientific articles in the fields of macroeconomics, agricultural economics, financial management, etc., and participated in numerous international scientific and business conferences. She has been a member of the organizing committee of several projects and conferences, a member of an editorial and publishing council of the monographs and journals, and a reviewer in international journals. Dr Stanojevic has been engaged in several Erasmus+ projects as a team member or working package leader. She coordinated, on behalf of IBCM as a project partner, the Erasmus+ project “Inclusive tertiary EDucation in the West BAlkanS – IDEA”. She has wide experience in coordinating organizational change and developing innovative study programmes and curricula.
Jelena acted as a key teaching staff member of the ENACT Module.