Mihone Kerolli Mustafa
Enact Coordinator
Dr Mihone Kerolli Mustafa is the IBCM College Rector and Professor of the Environmental and Agricultural Department at IBCM. She has been working in the fields of education, university governance, business interaction/collaboration, EU integration, and knowledge exchange with several institutions in the region. This has involved work on several projects, some of which have been funded by the EU. She contributed as an expert in the field of education and strategy reforms. She possesses teaching experience in a variety of courses; Participant in numerous national and international scientific conferences; Chair of an international scientific conference; Registered and presented in numerous international exhibitions of innovations and inventions; Winner of several awards and recognitions; a reviewer in leading international journals; Mentor and member of commissions for application and defence of doctoral dissertations, master in science research, master projects (Croatia and Kosovo). A key area of Dr. Mihone’s research activities is environmental management, with a focus on its interconnections with other fields, such as agriculture, circular economy and environmental law. Her academic work, as well as her wide range of contacts in the government and HEIs in the region, will be instrumental in the implementation of project activities. She has published journal articles on sustainability and innovation, environmental management, environment and EU approximation, agriculture assessment and compliance with Common Agriculture Policy (CAP), economic benefits and the process of transition in Kosovo, as well as the Western Balkans and knows the area very well. She has substantial experience in university governance, building and managing the relationship with the industry at a senior level; supporting innovation and developing strategic partnerships; EU integration, leading and managing structural change in organisations; managing the delivery of business support, and managing complex multi-ethnic projects; developing curricula and new study programs. Her experience as a higher education expert for the region, developing relationships with other universities and businesses, delivering education, and developing curricula and consultancy services for HEIs using the EU model will be crucial for this project. She is a member of the edition scientific boards of the HUSZPO Regional Conference, Croatia, and a Member of the Council of the Croatian Chemical, B.EN.A. Associations and a legal representative of IBC-M at the SPACE and EURASHE.
Within the ENACT module, she acts as an Academic Coordinator and is the core lecturer.