Within the framework of the project “Enhancing Research Culture in Higher Education in Kosovo (ResearchCult)”, supported by Erasmus +, with funds from the European Union, the “International Conference on New Achievements in Science, Technology and Arts” – ICNA-STA” was organized at the University of Pristina in May 2023. The conference is co-organized with a number of local and international universities and higher education institutions. It intends to bring together the international and Kosovo academic staff, researchers, students, businesses and other local and international stakeholders aiming to share their scientific experiences, best practices and steer up cooperation in related fields. In addition, the conference attempts to create a friendly environment where multinational researchers’ community arrays from different fields can use interdisciplinary and innovative approaches to link the research with economic development. Dr. Mihone Kerolli-Mustafa, as the Jean Monnet professor, was talking at the Conference about innovative curricula under Jean Monnet and demonstrators used on climate change and citizen science approach.